Saturday, January 23, 2010

The end of our trip:(

We had a wonderful trip and Jack was such a great traveler.

Finally at home and I guess Jack was wanting to go on another trip:)

Jack on our flight back "eating" his passport.

Jack and Timothy playing...

Jack and his travel buddy....Grandpa!


We spent 4 days in Paris! What a wonderful experience, too bad Jack won't remember it. The weather was perfect...cold but no rain or snow.

Jack and I at the Louvre (Venus de Milo in the background)

This is us on the Water Taxi. We spend the day sightseeing and took the water taxi to get from place to place. We went to Notre Dame, cruised the Seine and of course the Eiffel Tower.

Grandma and Grandpa with their "boys" on the Champs-Elysees

Our hotel- The Marriott on the Champs-Elysees

Tour Eiffel

Europe Part 1

We arrived in the Netherlands to a huge snowstorm. We spent the first few days at my brother's house and did a few side day trips.

Veldhoven, NL

Jack and Mommy all bundled up.

Jack and his cousin Timothy playing in the snow.

Grandma, Beth, Jack, Grandpa and Timothy in Dusseldorf, Germany

All bundled up and ready to go...

December Fun

December was full of fun times with friends before we headed to Europe for the holidays. Although Jack had started taking "steps" around his 1st birthday it finall all clicked and he began walking. Now we can't stop him.

This is the gift Santa brought him at his daycare Christmas Party!

The Somers with Santa at Jack's Christmas party...

Christmas 2009

Jack's new trick....he loves climbing in things! This is Jack when he climbed into the drawer in our bathroom. His favorite thing to climb into...boxes. Thus the name: "Jack in the Box"

Jack's First Birthday

Jack turned 1 on November 7th. We were so blessed to have both of our families here to celebrate. We celebrated with a football birthday party. Guests wore their favorite team attire:) Jack cried when we tried to give him cake even though he loves sweets.

Jack in his ASU attire with the "referee" Grandpa Dames:)

His football cupcakes!

I think this is the only creative thing I have ever made! Each t-shirt is a month in his life with a picture of him.

12 month pics